Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION Resisting Project Brainwash ……………………………8 CHAPTER ONE Unraveling Reality TV’s Twisted Fairytales ………. 33 Cinderellas and Cautionary Tales CHAPTER TWO Get Comfortable with My Flaw Finder ……………….60 Women’s Bodies as Women’s Worth CHAPTER THREE Bitches and Morons and Skanks, Oh My! …………….97 What Reality TV Teaches Us about Women
CHAPTER FOUR This Is Not My Beautiful House! ………………………..133 Class Anxiety, Hyperconsumerism, and Mockery of the Poor CHAPTER FIVE Erasing Ethnicity, Encoding Bigotry …………………..161 Race, Pre– and Post–Flavor of Love CHAPTER SIX Ghetto Bitches, China Dolls, and Cha Cha Divas ……196 Race, Beauty, and the Tyranny of Tyra Banks CHAPTER SEVEN Beautiful Corpses, Abusive Princes ……………………212 Violence against Women as Glamorous, Romantic Reality CHAPTER EIGHT “I Would Be a Servant to Him†………………………….239 New Millennium, Same Old Backlash CHAPTER NINE The World According to CoverGirl ……………………273 Advertiser Ideology Goes 3-D CHAPTER TEN Fun with Media Literacy! ………………………………..300 Drinking Games, Deconstruction Guides, and Other Critical Thinking Tools CHAPTER ELEVEN What Are You Going to Do? …………………………….325 How You Can Transform the Media—Starting Today RESOURCE GUIDE …………………………………………347 NOTES …………………………………………………………352 INDEX………………………………………………………….371 |