Reality Bites Back Readers Gallery: Join these readers from NY, Chicago, Seattle, and Los Angeles!

Though Reality Bites Back officially launches on November 1, I’m thrilled to announce that pre-orders began shipping last week. Around the country, folks like you have begun reading it — and amazing feedback has already been pouring in via Twitter, Facebook, and email.

Making it finally feel real? Seeing the book in people’s hands.

On the first night the book began arriving in mailboxes and on doorsteps, Brooklyn reader Andrew Bonjiorno sent this picture of himself reading it at work — note the corporate-approved artwork on the wall behind him:

Andrew Bonjiorno reading Reality Bites Back

Andrew’s photo inspired me to start this Readers Gallery. I wrote this book to spark a national, critical conversation about the meaning and impact of reality TV on our beliefs, our behavior, and our culture. The best way to engage in that conversation is within community. So, here are the first few members of the Reality Bites Back community:

Women In Media & News board member and Viva La Feminista blogger Veronica Arreola rushed to pick up her copy the day after Andrew’s arrived. I love that she was so psyched about the book that she started reading it right there in her Chicago post office:

Veronica Arreola Reads Reality Bites Back

Direct from Seattle’s youth media training program Reel Grrls — whose video project, “America’s Next Top Dork” is discussed in the “Fun With Media Literacy” chapter — comes this memo: “Yay! Reality Bites Back: The Troubling Truth About Guilty Pleasure TV arrived at the RG office yesterday. As you can see, our interns are already having a blast reading it!” From left to right, here are Julia Constantine, Tima El-zein, and Nikki Jones:

Reel Grrls Read Reality Bites Back

And finally, here’s Hollywood baby Ethan Carelton already biting back against problematic media. Or, er… well, he may just be biting Reality Bites Back. Either way, my littlest reader is adorable!:

Ethan Carleton bites Reality Bites Back

(Born in Los Angeles to a costume designer mom who has worked on Mad Men and True Blood, a dad who is the technical director of a major L.A. theater… and a feminist media critic for a chosen-family auntie… rest assured Ethan will be learning media literacy early and often.)

Want to join the Readers Gallery? Send a photo of yourself to info[at]wimnonline[dot]org, or upload a photo directly to the Facebook page for the book. (And while you’re at it, “Like” the FB page and talk about the book with fellow readers there.)

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